Prerequisite: RCDSO accreditation for surgical implant placement
There are so many accredited surgical implant courses available to choose from. While they provide the necessary information required to build a foundation of knowledge, most dentists generally do not have the confidence nor experience to start placing implants in their clinics after course completion.
At Dentistree Academy, our implant mentorship program is designed to allow participants to gain clinical confidence and be able to launch them into the surgical implant world so that they WILL be able to start placing implants in their own clinics the following day. The customized experience combined with an intimate small group setting allows ALL participants to learn at their highest potential.
• Participants are able to perform implant surgery on 4-6 patients for One-on-One surgical mentorship
• This hands-on course will allow clinicians to gain experience on surgical implant placement outside of their comfort zone so they can learn the techniques necessary to provide these procedures back in their offices immediately
• Participants will learn OUR tricks of the trade to simplify implant surgery and achieve predictable results